Monday, July 23, 2012

Fitness Journal: Day 13-17

I've been using the Brazil Butt Lift "Classic Program." Following the prescribed daily workouts. Today marks day number 17. My plan is to complete 90 days of BBL and then move on to P90X. The workouts are getting a lot easier and I'm finding I have much more precision.

I'm forcing myself to eat more, i.e. not limiting myself to Green Goddess smoothies for my day meals. I've added a piece of whole grain bread with almond butter and bananas with a small portion of blueberries for breakfast. I'm eating the smoothies for snacks and lunch but am also attempting to eat a meal at lunch. I am also attempting to stop eating carbs after 3:00pm. I allowed myself an entire cheat day this weekend and will continue to do so. Although Saturday was a cheat day I somehow managed to eat much better than I had been doing prior to this challenge.

I've come to the conclusion that this will be the last time I have to lose weight. As my husband and I are not planning on having any more children; I will not have the pregnancy weight gain excuse. I've become a yo-yo dieter and this needs to quit. I want to achieve the body that I know I can and then maintain it for the rest of my life. If you follow my blog you are well aware of how important my appearance is to me, something which I feel no quit or remorse for. I've also been struggling with the idea of getting older and the fact that my looks will fade. So my plan, to do as much as possible to preserve my looks and health. This means that once I get in shape I will maintain it and set new goals for myself.

In terms of weight loss as of right now I've actually gained a pound. This is to be expected, I can tell that I'm building muscle as I feel much more toned. I'm also noticing that my jeans fit much better and...drum roll please, I'm getting the nod/wink/my husband can't keep his hands off me!

This is worth it!


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