Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blessings in Pain

I wrote this post back in July on my previous Blog. I really liked it so I thought I would share!

Change, Challenge, Tribulations and the Route to Enlightenment
Similar to most human beings, this individual has not had a seamless life thus far. At times certain challenges, changes and tribulations have presented themselves on my door step and I must admit that I have not always handled these trials perfectly or even moderately well. Change appears to be a continual ordeal or test of my character on a fairly regular basis…and just as I feel like I am on the cusp of finding my truly “enlightened self,” another change creeps up upon me. These changes are often for the better especially in retrospect, but still seem to shake up the temporary homeostasis that I have strived so hard to achieve. I believe that most humans have a sense of searching and desire for some level of enlightenment, whatever that may be. This individual is no different; I have made dramatic changes that I thought were for the better that have shaken my entire existence to the core. I am a firm believer that we should not judge the choices of another as we never know how a situation feels until we actually experience it. (However, just because I preach this does not mean by any means that I am even close to exemplary in employing it). Although change, challenges and even tribulations cloud what feels like the linear progression towards self-actualization or enlightenment, they are the very foundation that it is built upon.

Self-Actualization & Enlightenment
What I have come to realize is that self-actualization and or enlightenment do not lie outside of ourselves they are situated in the very core of our beings. No change, challenge or tribulation can take this away, although they may make it harder to access it within us. Many of us go searching for things to assist us in finding this level of self or fulfillment of life and the soul…I am one of them.
In my searching I have looked towards things that in the end may have taken me farther away from my true self; turning my back on the things in life that truly delight me because they are not “in.” By not giving into my real self it appears that I may have hindered my soul in finding my true self and achieving my dreams.
So here is to being the true versions of ourselves and the achievements and dreams of the present and future!

“I went looking for my dreams outside of myself and discovered, it’s not what the world holds for you, it’s what you bring to it. …” L.M. Montgomery.

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